Sunday, July 15, 2012

Halloween- When's too soon to start planning?

How soon do you start thinking about Halloween?  It is a Holiday that gets a lot of mixed reviews. I know a lot of people don't celebrate it,and to be honest I didn't celebrate it throughout most of my childhood. Because of that, I have found myself , as an adult with children, always getting excited about  the day. Granted, even as a child I never dressed up as anything scary. Actually, the only year I even really remember dressing up I was Snow White. Even then I don't think we went door to door. Instead, my Mom dressed us up and our cousins and friends came over dressed up and we got some BIG bags of candy [much bigger than our kids today get trick-or treating, or going to the Mall].  Keep in mind this was the mid 80's when all the crazy stuff was going on at Halloween, like finding razors and crap in the candies.  It was sooo much fun, nonetheless.  However, some 20 years [give or take] later, I find myself  looking forward to this time of year. Not so that I can get all scary looking, or to get the kids looking like Devils. Instead, it's the one day you can be whoever you wanna be .  I never allow my children to dress up as anything evil. They have been pumpkins, Princesses, princes, Ninjas, and Transformers. I have been a farm  girl and a witch.   I have a chance to review a Halloween Costume from , which would result in a giveaway for $35 to their site. However, I need at least 100 followers on Twitter. I already meet the requirements for facebook. Twitter is  where I need your help. If you would like to have $35 towards a costume [which equals FREE, or really CHEAP] , please follow me on Twitter. It doesn't guarantee I will get the spot, but there's lot of other great promotions, including costumes that it would give me a GREAT chance to be able to review and give away for you all! That's why I'm here, to bring you all some AWESOME deals and FREEBIES, so please leave me a comment if you've helped me out by following me . Click follow me at top right on the blog, or click HERE . Once you have followed me, leave me a comment telling me you did so and your twitter name, and you will be entered to win a $5 Amazon Gift Card. Winner will be chosen  07/16 [tomorrow] by 8pm EST. for an extra entry, tell me which costume you would pick from  <-- click to see choices . As I said, it's not a guarantee I will get THIS promotion, but it will guarantee more GREAT ones soon to come!
 Here's the one I want :
                                       OR :

Which do you like best?