If you're anything like me and my teenage daughter, you have several pairs of flip flops. Work flip flops, beach flip flops, driving flip flops, around the house flip flops. You get the point. Earlier as I was organizing my shoes, putting up the winter and bringing out the summer,I realized I don't really own a lot of flip flops, but there's at least one pair I don't wear at all.
My daughter on the other hand, she has a few pairs she's willing to let go of [ she would not allow me to post a picture of her shoes ]. I agreed to respect her shoe privacy - she can let me know later if she changes her mind .
What convinced her to finally give up those flip flops that she can barely even fit in anymore, or the ones that have seen better days , was a post by Old Navy about the Flip Flop Brigade with Terra Cycle.. "For every shipment of 25 pairs of flip-flops received (about 18 pounds), you will receive exclusive coupons from Old Navy to distribute to the participants who helped you collect."
So I signed up . We don't have 25 pairs, but between my daughter's friends and hopefully some others out there on Facebook will be willing to donate their flip-flops! If even one pair, you could fit in a large envelope and throw 1-2 stamps on it, send it to me and I will box up all the shoes I receive and send it to Terra Cycle, and share the Old Navy coupons I am sent in return with everyone who sent me flip flops! Win Win : We save some money , AND help make the environment better by recycling . To read all the details on how it works , Click the link at the very top of this post. If you want to join my brigade, leave me a comment