One of my favorite perks from Crowdtap is being a member of the Old Navy Style Council. Every season they have sample and shares and parties. The Old Navy Beach Bum Party I got to be a part of has been my favorite thus far. I got to take 3 people to Old Navy with me to try our their Beach Accessories and we all got to take home 4 things for FREE! I took my sister , niece and daughter. My niece was the only one willing to have fun taking pics with me though . I made a video montage [not the greatest quality though] showing the fun we had , you can view it below .
Make a video of your own at Animoto.
Here is everything I personally got :
I have sent an email to the new winner . Please contact Missy's Avon Group to claim your prize so that she can get it shipped to you . [use message tab on her facebook page] . Please Please contact us so that we don't have to choose another winner again!