As most of you who have been reading my blog for a while know, I am a member of the Old Navy Style Council, thanks to Crowdtap.
I have gotten to try a few different things for free with Old Navy. Last year when I first joined Crowd Tap I got a Free Old Navy coat for myself and my daughter. During this past spring I got a Free pair of Old Navy shorts for me and my daughter, and this past summer I got Free summer accessories for myself, my daughter and my niece.
This fall/winter I am getting an Old Navy dress for FREE- and you could too!
I was sent these wonderful coupons, one for myself and one for someone else.
These coupons are good for Women's dresses only [not childrens'], so please keep this in mind before entering.
I am looking forward to trying on some of their sweater dresses ..I am thinking something I can wear to a holiday dinner, and to the movies as well.. Something I can pair with boots. All of us ladies deserve to be treated to something nice for ourselves every once in a while, and that is why I want to give away my extra coupon to one of you ladies!
Entries are going to be super easy, and only require a few things.
These coupons are only good through 11/21, so this is going to be a quick giveaway- I plan to get the coupon in the mail by tomorrow so that the winner will have plenty of time to get her dress.
Here's How to enter:
1.) Use this link to join Crowdtap and sign up
HERE [this way you can possibly get these deals for yourself and friends in the future too!]
2.) Take a look at the Old Navy Dresses
3.) Leave a comment with which dress you would like to have, as well as the name you signed up under with Crowdtap
4) Would you agree to take pictures of you dress shopping at Old Navy and a picture of the dress you take home with you, and give me permission to post them on my blog [ ones that you would email me] along with the review of my dress? Please tell me yes or no in the comments.
[answering no will not affect your odds of winning]
5) Share the facebook post about the giveaway on your page ,or with your friends.
A winner will be chosen via sometime this evening
[ not giving a definite time, but will be before 10PM est ], and will be announced on my page and blog. The winner will have until Midnight to contact me either via fb message or email with their mailing info . I will get the coupon in the mail tomorrow!
* If you are already a member of Crowdtap and got the Old Navy Dresses offer, please do not try to win this, this is for someone who has not already gotten one! Please be fair :)